BE INVISIBLE (o.t. Wees onzichtbaar), a novel by Murat Isik, is being adapted for a TV series.
Even before the publication of the Libris Literature Award last of May, there was talk of film producers showing a hearty interest in the film rights – an interest that should be called overwhelming after the actual acceptance of the award. The producers of Topkapi Films and Isik found each other and recently the signing of contracts took place in presence of Isik’s agent Willem Bisseling and his publisher Tanja Hendriks of Ambo Anthos. Topkapi brought in screenwriter Chris Westendorp (SCHULDIG, PENOZA) and director Mijke de Jong (LAYLA M.). The sale of the film rights was realized by mediation of Shared Stories.
Idse Grotenhuis, Topkapi Films: ‘the personal story of Turkish family Mutlu against the backdrop of the decay of the Bijlmer constitutes a great foundation for conflict. With creators Chris and Mijke and writer Murat Isik on our side we are bursting of inspiration to make this into an accessible drama series.’
BE INVISIBLE is a touching coming of age novel about a boy growing up in an unsafe world against the scenery of the degenerating Bijlmer. Initially, main character Metin is an outsider who is underestimated by his surroundings, even by his teachers at school. Little by little he and his mother fight their ways to a life with a future. This year, the book received the prestigious Libris Literature Award and the Boekhandelsprijs. Furthermore, it was exclaimed to be Best Book of the Year by readers of NRC Handelsblad in 2017 and was nominated for innumerable other awards. Since the winning of the Libris Literature Award 2018, Be Invisible has been in the highest regions of the Bestseller 60 almost continuously. By now, more than 130,000 copies of Be Invisible have been sold.
The press about Be Invisible
‘You cannot put it down thanks to the unpretentious, but supple pen of born storyteller Isik, who managed to pierce his unhappy childhood exactly in the core. I expect a lot more of where this came from.’ – Trouw Letter & Geest
★★★★ ‘In Be Invisible Murat Isik succeeds wonderfully at always keeping you captivated.’ – NRC Handelsblad.
‘You cannot put it down.’ – Het Parool.
‘Smoothly written.’ – Trouw.
‘A major accomplishment.’ – de Volkskrant.